Animo OptiVend 22 TS Touch – 2 instant canisters

Description Animo’s new OptiVend Touch coffee machine produces large quantities of instant coffee within seconds – exactly to taste and

Animo OptiFresh Bean 3 Touch – Bean canisters 1 – Ingr. canisters 2

Description Always fresh filter coffee Sometimes you take extensive time for a cup of coffee, sometimes you get back to

Animo stainless steel can, 1.8 liter

All stainless steel can for hot and cold drinks. The jug is very pleasant, has a capacity of 1.8 liters

Animo cleaning tablets OPTIBEAN

1001397 – Animo cleaning tablets OPTIBEAN Recommended special cleaner for the espresso group. Content: 200 tablets of 2 gr.

Animo Tetrapakken heater – MPW-3

Description Animo Tetrapakken heater – MPW-3 For 3 Tetra packaging (UHT milk), including handle for Tetrapak. Connection value: 1N ~

Animo OptiCool – water cooler

Description Water cooler for cool, fresh and pure water. Temperature adjustable from 2 to 12 degrees, easy dosing by means

Animo ComBi-Line – coffee maker – 10 liters

Description Perfect filter coffee Who doesn’t like good coffee? A fresh cup with the right taste and perfect temperature. Perfect

Animo OptiMe 11 – Bean canisters: 1 – Instant canisters: 1

Description Perfect coffee starts with a perfect machine. And when the machine also has exactly your style, it really is

Animo thermos, 1.85 l.

Thermos flask, 1.85 liter.

Animo single hot plate – M21

Description Animo hot plate – M21 Self-regulating hot plate for 1 jug (glass, stainless steel or plastic with stainless steel

Animo kettle – WKT-D 10n HA

Description Animo kettle – WKT-D 10n HA Hot water is always in stock With a supply water boiler from the

Animo OptiCool TS – water cooler

Description Water cooler for cool, fresh and pure water. Temperature adjustable from 2 to 12 degrees, easy dosing by means

Animo OptiFresh 1 NG – Instant canisters: 1

Description The OptiFresh from Animo is easy to operate via the display with selection buttons (push button). It can be

Animo OptiFresh Bean 4 NG – Bean canisters: 1 – Instant canisters: 3

Description The OptiFresh Bean from Animo is easy to operate via the display with selection buttons (push button). It can