Animo ComBi-Line – coffee maker – 10 liters

Description Perfect filter coffee Who doesn’t like good coffee? A fresh cup with the right taste and perfect temperature. Perfect

Animo OptiMe 11 – Bean canisters: 1 – Instant canisters: 1

Description Perfect coffee starts with a perfect machine. And when the machine also has exactly your style, it really is

Animo thermos, 1.85 l.

Thermos flask, 1.85 liter.

Animo single hot plate – M21

Description Animo hot plate – M21 Self-regulating hot plate for 1 jug (glass, stainless steel or plastic with stainless steel

Animo kettle – WKT-D 10n HA

Description Animo kettle – WKT-D 10n HA Hot water is always in stock With a supply water boiler from the

Animo OptiCool TS – water cooler

Description Water cooler for cool, fresh and pure water. Temperature adjustable from 2 to 12 degrees, easy dosing by means

Animo OptiFresh 1 NG – Instant canisters: 1

Description The OptiFresh from Animo is easy to operate via the display with selection buttons (push button). It can be

Animo OptiFresh Bean 4 NG – Bean canisters: 1 – Instant canisters: 3

Description The OptiFresh Bean from Animo is easy to operate via the display with selection buttons (push button). It can

Animo thermos container 2.4 l.

Description Thermos container 2.4 l. With drain valve, filler lid, sight glass, handle and stainless steel hull. In addition, there

Animo M-LINE glass jug device – M200 – fixed water connection

Description Animo M-LINE glass jug device – M200 – fixed water connection Coffee maker incl. 2 glass jugs 1.8 l.

Animo serving trolley – SK10 VL

Description Animo serving trolley – “SK10 VL” Dimensions: 660x640x1040 mm. (wxdxh) (without container) Dimensions top: 588×568 mm. (bxd) This serving

Animo Combi-Line coffee maker – CB 1x5W L – 5 liters

Description Coffee maker with 1 removable container for making large quantities of coffee in a short time. Equipped with separate

Animo OptiMe 12 – Bean canisters: 1 – Instant canisters: 2

Description Perfect coffee starts with a perfect machine. And when the machine also has exactly your style, it really is

Animo pump thermos 2.1 l.

Pump thermos 2.1 liter. 2.1 liter stainless steel thermos jug with pump for easy pouring.