معدات غسيل الملابس

في EGYTL، نحن فخورون بتقديم مجموعة شاملة من معدات غسيل الملابس عالية الجودة والمصممة خصيصًا لتلبية احتياجات الفنادق والشركات. تم تصميم حلول الغسيل لدينا لتقديم أداء وكفاءة وموثوقية استثنائية، مما يضمن سير عمليات الغسيل الخاصة بك بسلاسة وفعالية.

Value Line Cabinet Hardmount Washer-extractor

30 lb capacity – PAN030TN0MZA20CTAA Not every laundry has the volumes that require a truly industrial solution. For these operations,


UM202 TOP LOAD WASHER-EXTRACTOR The UM202 features a rugged all stainless steel design, which makes it perfect for the rough,

Softmount Commercial Washer Extractor

20 lb capacity – UYT020 Ideal for second-floor on-premises laundries or other installations where a poured foundation isn’t an option,

Industrial Tumble Dryers

30 lb capacity – UT030NVN UniMac® tumble dryers are in a league of their own in terms of performance and efficiency. These

Commercial Stack Tumble Dryers

30 lb capacity – UTT30NV If you have more laundry than you have floor space, UniMac stack tumblers are the solution for

UDR530 – 680

Specification UDR530 UDR680 Capacity 24 kg 35 kg Drum volume 530 l 680 l Drum diameter 930 mm 930 mm

Stacked Washer-Extractor / Tumble Dryers

30 lb capacity – UST30 For on-premises laundries where space is an issue, UniMac® stacked washer-extractor/tumble dryers deliver exceptional capacity


GWH WASHING MACHINES: SMART, VERSATILE AND PRECISE These are professional washing machines with high spin speed (up to 400G) which ensure a

Top Load Washer – UWNMN2SP115CW01

Top Load Washer – UWNMN2SP115CW01 Every on-premises laundry facility needs equipment that can be trusted for long lasting performance, efficiency and cost


GWH WASHING MACHINES: SMART, VERSATILE AND PRECISE These are professional washing machines with high spin speed (up to 400G) which ensure a

Front Control Electric Dryer – UDEE5BGS173CW01

Front Control Electric Dryer – UDEE5BGS173CW01 Get extra-large drying capacity from compact durable machines with UniMac light commercial dryers. Perfect for


Industrial performance with domestic size In the space of a domestic appliance, we have packed the technology that ensures a

Commercial Stack Dryers – Electric – USEMNAGS173TW01

Commercial Stack Dryers – Electric – USEMNAGS173TW01 All the features of our standard light commercial dryers in just half the


Innovation 4.0 in the washing systems The revolutionary GWM/GWN Wavy medium and low spin speed washing machines combine aesthetics and efficiency, new

Stack Washer/Dryers – Electric – UTEE5ASP

Stack Washer/Dryers – Electric – UTEE5ASP Get the best of both worlds while saving space in your facility. These durable